Get Dispute Reasons

Use this to get all available dispute reasons for a dispute category


Field NameDescriptionTypeRequiredConstraints
dispute_categoryThe name of the dispute categoryStringRequiredSee Get Dispute Categories

Sample Request



Field NameDescriptionTypeConstraints
codeThe code of the dispute reasonString
nameThe name of the dispute reasonString
descriptionThe description of the dispute reasonString
disputeCategoryThe name of the dispute category it belongs toStringSee Get Dispute Categories

Sample Response

        "code": "AA",
        "name": "Does Not Recognize",
        "description": "Cardholder does not recognize the Card Transaction",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "AP",
        "name": "Recurring Payments",
        "description": "Cardholder challenges the validity of Recurring Payments Card Sales after expiration or cancellation of the Recurring Payments Plan agreement",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "AT",
        "name": "Authorization Noncompliance",
        "description": "No Authorization, Declined Authorization, Expired Card was used in the processing",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "AW",
        "name": "Altered Amount or Partial Dispense",
        "description": "Cardholder alleges that the amount of a card transaction was altered without the Cardholder’s consent or direction or the funds dispensed was not equal to the amount requested in the card transaction",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "FT",
        "name": "Fraudulent Transaction",
        "description": "Fraudulent Transaction",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "IN",
        "name": "Invalid Card Number",
        "description": "Invalid Card Number",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "LP",
        "name": "Late Presentation",
        "description": "Late Presentation",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "NF",
        "name": "Non-Receipt of Cash from ATM",
        "description": "Cardholder alleges an ATM Cash Disbursement was charged to an Account, but cash was not dispensed by the ATM",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "PM",
        "name": "Paid by Other Means",
        "description": "Cardholder claims Account was charged for a Card Sale where the transaction was conducted using another form of payment",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
        "code": "RG",
        "name": "Non-Receipt of Goods and Services",
        "description": "Cardholder challenges the validity of a Card Sale due to non-receipt of goods and/or services",
        "disputeCategory": "Chargeback"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!