Additional Fields
Given the needs of each fintech vary, we have added a feature that allows a fintech to add any number of fields (from the list of allowed fields) to their payload. The additional fields will be sent in an extra field (additional fields) as key values pair for any configured field provided the field is present in the request ISO message.
IsoField | Json Field Name |
3 | processingCode |
5 | amountSettle |
7 | transmissionDateAndTime |
9 | conversionRate |
12 | timeLocal |
13 | dateLocal |
15 | dateSettle |
16 | dateConverted |
17 | draftCapture |
18 | merchantType |
19 | acquiringCountryCode |
20 | panExtendedCountryCode |
21 | forwardingInstitutionCode |
22 | posEntryMode |
24 | networkId |
25 | posConditionCode |
26 | pinCaptureCode |
27 | authIdRespLength |
29 | settlementFee |
32 | acquiringInstitutionIdCode |
33 | forwardingInstitutionIdCode |
34 | panExtended |
40 | serviceRestrictionCode |
46 | additionalDataIso |
47 | additionalDataNational |
48 | additionalData |
50 | currencyCodeSettlement |
54 | additionalAmounts |
57 | authLifeCycle |
66 | settlementCode |
67 | extendedPaymentCode |
68 | receivingInstCountryCode |
69 | settlementInstCountryCode |
86 | amountCredit |
87 | amountCreditReversal |
88 | amountDebit |
89 | amountDebitReversal |
90 | originalDataElements |
91 | fileUpdateCode |
92 | fileSecurityCode |
93 | responseIndicator |
94 | serviceIndicator |
95 | replacementAmounts |
97 | amountNetSettle |
98 | payee |
99 | settleInstIdCode |
100 | receivingInstIdCode |
102 | fromAccount |
103 | toAccount |
104 | transactionDescription |
118 | paymentNumber |
119 | paymentNumberReversal |
123 | posDataCode |
127.3 | routingInfo |
127.4 | posData |
127.5 | serviceStationData |
127.7 | checkData |
127.8 | retentionData |
127.9 | additionalNodeData |
127.12 | terminalOwner |
127.13 | posGeographicData |
127.14 | sponsorBank |
127.15 | addressVerificationData |
127.16 | addressVerificationResult |
127.17 | cardholderInfo |
127.19 | bankDetails |
127.20 | authorizerSettlementDate |
127.21 | recordId |
127.23 | payeeNameAndAddress |
127.24 | payeeReference |
127.26 | originalNode |
127.27 | cardVerificationResult |
127.29 | secure3DData |
127.30 | secure3DResult |
127.31 | issuerNetworkId |
127.32 | ucafData |
127.33 | extendedTranType |
Updated about 1 year ago