Fetch Multiple Cards By Issuer Nr

This API allows you to list all cards by their issuer number (required), PAN, first name, last name, or card program. Multiple cards may be returned, with a limit of 100 cards in the response.

Fetch Multiple Cards Using Their Issuer Number

To successfully fetch multiple cards by issuer number, make a POST request to the endpoint designed for fetching a single card by issuer number.

POST /card-management/api/v1/card/fetchMultiple

These are the parameters of the request:

Body Parameters

Field #Field nameData typeMax lengthRequiredDescription
1issuerNrint3trueIssuer Number e.g 2
2cardProgramstring1 to 20trueCard Program e.g VERVE
3lastNamestring30false/trueRequired for New Debit and Prepaid Cards
4firstNamestring30false/trueRequired for New Debit and Prepaid Cards
5panstring16 to 19false/trueRequired for Reissue Debit and Prepaid Cards

The request should look like this :

  "issuerNr": 2,
  "pan": "5061800000000000363",
  "firstName": "Test",
  "lastName": "Test",
  "cardProgram": "VERVE"

Response Message  field description

Field #Field nameDescription
1codeInternal Response Code
2descriptionSuccessful or Error Message
3cardDetailsList of Card Details
4errorsErrors array if any errors exist.

This is what a typical successful or failed response would look like

  "code": "00",
  "description": "Successful",
  "cardDetails": [
      "pan": "5060990000000056128",
      "expiryDate": "5004",
      "issuerNr": "2",
      "firstName": "Test",
      "lastName": "Test",
      "nameOnCard": "Test",
      "cardProgram": "VERVE",
      "customerId": "1234567867",
      "cardStatus": "0",
      "seqNr": "001",
      "streetAddress": "OKO AWO",
      "city": "Lagos"
  "error": "unauthorized",
  "error_description": "Full authentication is required to access this resource"