Fetch Card By PAN
The API allows you to fetch a card by its PAN, Issuer Number, Sequence Number, and Expiry Date.
What is a PAN ?
The primary account number or payment card number is a card identifier. It is made of 16-19 numbers which are found on the card.
Fetch A Single Card Using Its PAN
To fetch a card successfully, make a POST Request to fetch a single card by PAN endpoin .
POST /card-management/api/v1/card/fetchSingle
These are the parameters of the request:
Body Parameters
Field # | Field name | Data type | Required | Max length | Description |
1 | issuerNr | int | true | 3 | Issuer Number e.g 2 |
2 | pan | string | true | 16 to 19 | Card Personal Account Number (PAN) |
3 | cardSequenceNr | string | true | Card Sequence Number | |
4 | expiryDate | string | true | 4 to 4 | Card Expiry Date |
The request should look like this :
"issuerNr": 2,
"pan": "506100000000000363",
"cardSequenceNr": "001",
"expiryDate": "5004"
Response Message field description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
3 | cardDetails | List of Card Details |
4 | errors | Errors array if any errors exist. |
This is what a typical successful or failed response would look like
"code": "00",
"description": "Successful",
"cardDetails": [
"pan": "5061800000000000363",
"expiryDate": "2305",
"issuerNr": "4",
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "Test",
"nameOnCard": "Test",
"cardProgram": "VISA",
"customerId": "20220801105234816930543",
"cardStatus": "1",
"seqNr": "001"
"code": "10500",
"description": "Error Processing Request",
"correlationId": "2aa197eda43540a4ad85b8d0bf570871"
Updated 10 months ago