Response codes

All transactions are valid for 30 minutes. Any response received after 30 minutes should be considered final.

Response Codes and Transaction Status

Response codes may change as a transaction progresses, as customers can retry the transaction until it expires. However, the final response code will indicate whether the transaction was successful, failed, or expired.


For webhook responses, the event type TRANSACTION.COMPLETED indicates a final webhook event for a particular transaction. No further updates will be sent for that transaction.

Response DescriptionResponse CodeStatus
Final Response Codes(customer cannot retry)
Approved by Financial Institution, Partial10Successful
Approved by Financial Institution, VIP11Successful
Approved by Financial Institution00Successful
Transaction In Progress09Pending
Other Responses
Account error, please contact your bankX00Failed
The amount requested is above the limit permitted by your bank, please contact your bankX03Failed
The amount requested is too lowX04Failed
The amount requested is above the limit permitted by your bank, please contact your bankX05Failed
The card number inputted is invalid, please re-try with a valid card number14Failed
Incorrect Security details provided. Pin tries exceeded.38Failed
Incorrect Security details provided55Failed
Incorrect card details, please verify that the expiry date inputted is correct.56Failed
Your bank has prevented your card from carrying out this transaction, please contact your bank57Failed
Your bank has prevented your card from carrying out this transaction, please contact your bank61Failed
Incorrect security details provided. Pin tries exceeded.75Failed
Refer to Financial Institution.01Failed
Refer to Financial Institution, Special Condition02Failed
Invalid Merchant03Failed
Pick-up Card04Failed
Do not honor05Failed
Pick-up Card, Special Condition07Failed
Honor with identification08Failed
Request in Progress09Failed
Invalid Transaction12Failed
Invalid Amount13Failed
No Such Financial Institution15Failed
Approved by Financial Institution, Update Track 316Failed
Customer Cancellation17Failed
Customer Dispute18Failed
Re-enter Transaction19Failed
Invalid Response from Financial Institution20Failed
No Action Taken by Financial Institution21Failed
Suspected Malfunction22Failed
Unacceptable Transaction Fee23Failed
File Update not Supported24Failed
Duplicate Record26Failed
File Update File Edit Error27Failed
File Update File Locked28Failed
File Update Failed29Failed
Format Error30Failed
Bank Not Supported31Failed
Completed Partially by Financial32Failed
Institution Expired Card, Pick-Up33Failed
Suspected Fraud, Pick-Up34Failed
Contact Acquirer, Pick-Up35Failed
Restricted Card, Pick-Up36Failed
Call Acquirer Security, Pick-Up37Failed
PIN Tries Exceeded, Pick-Up38Failed
No Credit Account39Failed
Function not supported40Failed
Lost Card, Pick-Up41Failed
No Universal Account42Failed
No Investment Account44Failed
Insufficient Funds51Failed
No Check Account52Failed
No Savings Account53Failed
Expired Card54Failed
Incorrect PIN55Failed
No Card Record56Failed
Suspected Fraud59Failed
Contact Acquirer60Failed
Restricted Card62Failed
Security Violation63Failed
Original Amount Incorrect64Failed
Exceeds withdrawal frequency65Failed
Call Acquirer Security66Failed
Hard Capture67Failed
Response Received Too Late68Failed
PIN tries exceeded75Failed
Intervene, Bank Approval Required77Failed
Intervene, Bank Approval Required for Partial Amount78Failed
Cut-off in Progress90Failed
Issuer or Switch Inoperative91Failed
Routing Error92Failed
Violation of law93Failed
Duplicate Transaction94Failed
Reconcile Error95Failed
System Malfunction96Failed
Exceeds Cash Limit98Failed
Unexpected errorA0Failed
Transaction not permitted to card holder, via channelsA4Failed
Transaction ErrorZ1Failed
Bank account errorZ2Failed
Bank collections account errorZ3Failed
Interface Integration ErrorZ4Failed
Duplicate Reference ErrorZ5Failed
Incomplete TransactionZ6Failed
Transaction Split Pre-processing ErrorZ7Failed
Invalid Card Number, via channelsZ8Failed
Transaction not permitted to card holder, via channelsZ9Failed
Transaction not foundZ25Failed
Payment Requires TokenZ61Failed
Request to Generate Token is SuccessfulZ62Failed
Token Not Generated. Customer Not Registered on Token PlatformZ63Failed
Error Occurred. Could Not Generate TokenZ64Failed
Payment Requires Token AuthorizationZ65Failed
Token Authorization SuccessfulZ66Failed
Token Authorization Not Successful. Incorrect Token SuppliedZ67Failed
Error Occurred. Could Not Authenticate TokenZ68Failed
Customer Cancellation Secure3DZ69Failed
Cardinal Authentication RequiredZ70Failed
Cardinal Lookup SuccessfulZ71Failed
Cardinal Lookup FailedZ72Failed
Cardinal Authenticate SuccessfulZ73Failed
Cardinal Authenticate FailedZ74Failed
Error calling Cybersource ServiceZ80Failed
Bin has not been configuredZ81Failed
Merchant not configured for binZ82Failed
WIBMO Look-up successfulZ76
Recurrent transaction rate limit exceededZ162
Transaction Status UnconfrimedZ0Pending

Refund API Response Codes

Please refer to the standard HTTP response codes. Where anything starting with 2XX signifies approved, 4XX means client error and 5XX indicates server error. When the response codes start with 4XX or 5XX, an error object will be returned to explain further the reason for this failure. Find common response codes and their descriptions below:

60002Refund amount greater than transaction amount
10400Error creating refund: This refund reference has already been used.
10500Error processing request, please try again.
404Transaction not found for merchant
400Error creating refund: refund amount greater than transaction amount
500Could not validate refund.