Mobile SDK
The mobile SDK allows you to integrate directly into your mobile app, our payments collection functionality. We allow your customers enjoy the same payment options and experiences that they do on our web channel.
We have developed SDKs for all the popular mobile development technologies. We have SDKs for the following platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- React Native
- Flutter
Sample Code
React Native:
Process Flow
There are three steps you would have to complete to set up the SDK and perform transaction.
- Install the SDK as a dependency
- Configure the SDK with Merchant Information
- Initiate payment with customer details
- Read the response
iOS Releases
//To install the project, add the following to your root project's build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
//Then add the following to the your app project's build.gradle
dependencies {
def versionName = 'latest-version'
implementation "com.interswitchng:isw-mobile-payment-sdk:$versionName"
//now build the project.
1. Click on the Releases link above, click on assets of the latest version and download the zip of IswMobileSdk.xcframework
2. Unzip to find the IswMobileSdk.xcframework, and move it to your project folder
3. Open your project in Xcode, and navigate to the General settings of your project
4. Choose your app in TARGETS, then in General settings, under Framework, Libraries and Embeded Content, click the + sign to add library
5. In the popup window, click Add Other -> Add Files, and navigate to the foler where you have the IswMobileSdk.xcframework folder and choose it
Now build the project
npm i isw-mobile-payment-sdk-react
#.... others
# add the dependency for sdk
isw_mobile_sdk: '<latest-version>'
You would also need to configure the project with your merchant credentials.
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// configure sdk
public void configureSDK() {
// use provided configuration for your merchant account
String merchantId = "<your merchantId>";
String merchantCode = "<your merchantCode>";
String merchantKey = "<your merchantKey>";
// create sdk configuration
IswSdkConfig config = new IswSdkConfig(merchantId,
merchantKey, merchantCode, "566");
// uncomment to set environment, default is Environment.TEST
// config.setEnv(Environment.PRODUCTION);
// initialize sdk at boot of application
IswMobileSdk.initialize(this, config);
let merchantCode = "<your merchantCode>"
let clientSecret = "<your clientSecret>"
let clientId = "<your clientId>"
let currencyCode = "566"
let env: Environment = .sandbox
// create merchant configuration
let config = IswSdkConfig(
clientId: clientId,
clientSecret: clientSecret,
currencyCode: currencyCode,
merchantCode: merchantCode
// initialize sdk
IswMobileSdk.intialize(config: config, env: env)
import IswMobileSdk, { IswPaymentInfo, Environment, IswSdkConfig } from 'react-native-isw-mobile-sdk';
// get your credentials
const merchantId = "your-merchant-id",
merchantCode = "your-merchant-code",
merchantSecret = "your-merchant-seceret",
currencyCode = "currency-code"; // e.g. 566
// create configuration for payment
// using the credentials
const config = new IswSdkConfig(
* callback function for initialized sdk
* @param isSuccessful boolean flag indicating the result of initializing sdk
const onSdkInitialized = (isSuccessful) => {
// handle result
// initialize the sdk at the start of application
// you can point to a specific environment -> TEST || PRODUCTION
const env = Environment.TEST;
IswMobileSdk.initialize(config, env, onSdkInitialized);
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:isw_mobile_sdk/isw_mobile_sdk.dart';
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
void initState() {
// messages to SDK are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method.
Future<void> initSdk() async {
// messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
String merchantId = "your-merchant-id",
merchantCode = "your-merchant-code",
merchantSecret = "your-merchant-secret",
currencyCode = "currency-code"; // e.g 566 for NGN
var config = new IswSdkConfig (
// initialize the sdk
await IswMobileSdk.initialize(config);
// intialize with environment, default is Environment.TEST
// IswMobileSdk.initialize(config, Environment.SANDBOX);
} on PlatformException {}
Once the SDK has been initialized, you can then perform transactions.
Performing Transactions
You can perform a transaction, once the SDK is configured, by providing the payment info and a payment callback, like so:
public class PurchaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements IswMobileSdk.IswPaymentCallback {
protected void onCreate() {
//.. Trigger payment on button click
payButton.setOnclickListener((v) -> {
public void onUserCancel() {
// called when the user cancels
public void onPaymentCompleted(IswPaymentResult result) {
// called when the transaction was completed (success/failure)
private void initiatePayment() {
// set customer info
String customerId = "<customer-id>",
customerName = "<customer-name>",
customerEmail = "<>",
customerMobile = "<customer-phone>",
// generate a unique random
// reference for each transaction
reference = "<your-unique-ref>";
// amount in kobo e.g. "N500.00" -> 50000
long amount = providedAmount; // e.g. 50000
// create payment info
IswPaymentInfo iswPaymentInfo = new IswPaymentInfo(customerId,
customerName, customerEmail, customerMobile,
currencyCode, reference, amount);
// trigger payment with info and payment-callback
IswMobileSdk.getInstance().pay(iswPaymentInfo, this);
@IBAction func onPayTapped(_ sender: Any) {
let customerId = "<customer-id>",
customerName = "<customer-name>",
customerEmail = "<>",
customerMobile = "<customer-phone>",
// generate a unique random
// reference for each transaction
reference = "<your-unique-ref>";
// amount in kobo e.g. "N500.00" -> 50000
let amount = providedAmount; // e.g. 50000
// create payment info
let info = IswPaymentInfo(
customerId: customerId,
customerName: customerName,
customerEmail: customerEmail,
customerMobile: customerMobile,
reference: reference,
amount: amount
// Note: If you have split settlement accounts,
// you can create payment info with the variant
// constructor that takes split settlement accounts
// list of accounts 'IswSettlementAccount'
let settlementAccounts = [
IswSettlementAccount(alias: "pacct", amount: 0, percentage: 63.79, description: "primary account", isPrimary: true),
IswSettlementAccount(alias: "sacct", amount: 0, percentage: 36.21, description: "secondary account", isPrimary: false)
let info = IswPaymentInfo(
customerId: customerId,
customerName: customerName,
customerEmail: customerEmail,
customerMobile: customerMobile,
reference: reference,
amount: amount,
settlementAccounts: settlementAccounts)
// Note: If access tokens are generated from your server,
// set access token in the payment info
info.with(accessToken: sampleAccessToken)
// trigger payment
// parameters
// -- on: the UIViewController triggering payment
// -- with: the payment information to be processed
// -- call: the IswPaymentDelegate that receives the result self, with: info, call: self)
let triggerPayment = (amount) => {
// amount expressed in lowest
// denomination (e.g. kobo): "N500.00" -> 50000
amount = amount * 100
const customerId = "<customer-id>",
customerName = "<customer-name>",
customerEmail = "<>",
customerMobile = "<customer-phone>",
// generate a unique random
// reference for each transaction
reference = "<your-unique-ref>";;
// create payment information object
const paymentInfo = new IswPaymentInfo(
// trigger payment with the payment information, userDidComplete, userDidCancel);
Future<void> pay(int amount) async {
var customerId = "<customer-id>",
customerName = "<customer-name>",
customerEmail = "<>",
customerMobile = "<customer-phone>",
// generate a unique random
// reference for each transaction
reference = "<your-unique-ref>";
// initialize amount
// amount expressed in lowest
// denomination (e.g. kobo): "N500.00" -> 50000
int amountInKobo = amount * 100
// create payment info
var iswPaymentInfo = new IswPaymentInfo(
// trigger payment
var result = await;
// process result
Handling Result
All you need to do is handle the result in the callback methods: whenever the user cancels, IswPaymentCallback.onUserCancel
is called, and when the transaction is complete, IswPaymentCallback.onPaymentCompleted
is called with the result: an instance of IswPaymentResult
Field | Type | Meaning |
responseCode | String | Transaction response code |
responseDescription | String | Transaction response code description |
isSuccessful | boolean | Flag that indicates if transaction is successful |
transactionReference | String | reference for transaction |
amount | Number | Transaction amount |
channel | String | Channel used to make payment: one of CARD, WALLET, QR, USSD |
public class PurchaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements IswMobileSdk.IswPaymentCallback {
// ... other stuff
public void onUserCancel() {
toast("You cancelled payment, please try again.");
public void onPaymentCompleted(IswPaymentResult result) {
if (result.isSuccessful)
toast("your payment was successful, using: " +;
else toast("unable to complete payment at the moment, try again later");
private void toast(String msg) {
Toast.makeText(this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
extension ViewController: IswPaymentDelegate {
// user cancelled payment without completion
func onUserDidCancel() {
// handle cancellation
// user completed the payment
func onUserDidCompletePayment(result: IswPaymentResult) {
// handle payment result
let userDidComplete = (result) => {
// process result
let userDidCancel = () => {
// handle cancellation
void handleResult(Optional<IswPaymentResult> result) {
if (result.hasValue) {
// process result
} else {
And that is it. You can start processing payments in your android app.
Click here to get test cards to test your transactions.
Updated almost 2 years ago