Bills Payment

Quickteller Service v5

This service grants access to Quickteller's bill payment functionality, enabling merchants to integrate features like cable TV subscriptions, utility bill payments, and more. It’s typically used alongside a Payments API or wallet service to process transactions, with the wallet serving as a store of value for your commission earnings.

For example, when users pay for their DSTV subscription on your site, you charge their card or wallet for the selected bouquet amount and submit the user details and payment amount to the Bills Payment API. Interswitch then charges a virtual card linked to your account with the equivalent amount. You earn a commission from each API call based on the commission structure, which is stored in your wallet and can be transferred between accounts if desired.

Getting started




Test Terminal ID: 3PBL0001

Request Reference/Transfer Code Prefix: 1453

Test SVA Card: 6280511000000095, Dec 2026, 0000

Initiating Entity Code: PBL

DSTV Valid customerId: 0000000001, AMOUNT- 1460000, paymentCode: 48001
DSTV Billerid: 480, category: 2

You can make a bill payment using the following easy steps

Step 1: Select a biller

Make an API request to the get billers or get billers by category endpoint to retrieve a comprehensive list of available billers along with their corresponding biller IDs. From this list, select the specific biller you require.

A biller refers to the service provider of the bill product you want to purchase.

  1. Get billers endpoint
curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "TerminalID: <your_terminal_id>" \ -X GET


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}, { "Name": "SAINT HELENA", "Value": "SH" }, { "Name": "SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS", "Value": "KN" }, { "Name": "SAINT LUCIA", "Value": "LC" }, { "Name": "SAINT MARTIN", "Value": "MF" }, { "Name": "SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON", "Value": "PM" }, { "Name": "SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES", "Value": "VC" }, { "Name": "SAMOA", "Value": "WS" }, { "Name": "SAN MARINO", "Value": "SM" }, { "Name": "SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE", "Value": "ST" }, { "Name": "SAUDI ARABIA", "Value": "SA" }, { "Name": "SENEGAL", "Value": "SN" }, { "Name": "SERBIA", "Value": "RS" }, { "Name": "SEYCHELLES", "Value": "SC" }, { "Name": "SIERRA LEONE", "Value": "SL" }, { "Name": "SINGAPORE", "Value": "SG" }, { "Name": "SLOVAKIA", "Value": "SK" }, { "Name": "SLOVENIA", "Value": "SI" }, { "Name": "SOLOMON ISLANDS", "Value": "SB" }, { "Name": "SOMALIA", "Value": "SO" }, { "Name": "SOUTH AFRICA", "Value": "ZA" }, { "Name": "SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS", "Value": "GS" }, { "Name": "SPAIN", "Value": "ES" }, { "Name": 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"Value": "UA" }, { "Name": "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES", "Value": "AE" }, { "Name": "UNITED KINGDOM", "Value": "GB" }, { "Name": "UNITED STATES", "Value": "US" }, { "Name": "UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS", "Value": "UM" }, { "Name": "URUGUAY", "Value": "UY" }, { "Name": "UZBEKISTAN", "Value": "UZ" }, { "Name": "VANUATU", "Value": "VU" }, { "Name": "VATICAN CITY STATE", "Value": "VA" }, { "Name": "VENEZUELA", "Value": "VE" }, { "Name": "VIET NAM", "Value": "VN" }, { "Name": "VIRGIN ISLANDS - BRITISH", "Value": "VG" }, { "Name": "VIRGIN ISLANDS - U.S.", "Value": "VI" }, { "Name": "WALLIS AND FUTUNA", "Value": "WF" }, { "Name": "WESTERN SAHARA", "Value": "EH" }, { "Name": "YEMEN", "Value": "YE" }, { "Name": "ZAMBIA", "Value": "ZM" }, { "Name": "ZIMBABWE", "Value": "ZW" } ], "ElementName": "PayerCountryCode" }, { "Title": "Receiving Account Type", "IsRequired": true, "SortOrder": 3, "ElementType": "SelectList", "DataType": "String", "SelectItemType": "AccountType", "Length": 0, "SelectItems": [ { "Name": "Current", "Value": "20" }, { "Name": "Savings", "Value": "10" }, { "Name": "Not Sure", "Value": "00" } ], "ElementName": "PayeeAccountType" }, { "Title": "Expected Amount", "IsRequired": true, "SortOrder": 4, "ElementType": "TextBox", "DataType": "Amount", "Length": 12, "SelectItems": [], "ElementName": "Amount" }, { "Title": "Receiving Currency", "IsRequired": true, "SortOrder": 5, "ElementType": "SelectList", "DataType": "String", "SelectItemType": "Currency", "Length": 0, "SelectItems": [ { "Name": "Naira", "Value": "566" }, { "Name": "US Dollars", "Value": "840" } ], "ElementName": "ExpectedCurrency" }, { "Title": "Receiving Account Number (NUBAN Only)", "IsRequired": true, "SortOrder": 2, "ElementType": "TextBox", "DataType": "Numeric", "Length": 20, "SelectItems": [], "ElementName": "PayeeAccountNumber" }, { "Title": "Firstname (Receiving Account)", "IsRequired": true, "SortOrder": 6, "ElementType": "TextBox", "DataType": "String", "Length": 40, "SelectItems": [], "ElementName": "PayeeFirstname" }, { "Title": "Surname (Receiving Account)", "IsRequired": true, "SortOrder": 7, "ElementType": "TextBox", "DataType": "String", "Length": 40, "SelectItems": [], "ElementName": "PayeeSurname" }, { "Title": "Mobile Number", "IsRequired": true, "SortOrder": 12, "ElementType": "TextBox", "DataType": "Numeric", "Length": 15, "SelectItems": [], "ElementName": "ReceiverPhoneNumber" }, { "Title": "Answer to Test Question", "IsRequired": false, "SortOrder": 13, "ElementType": "TextBox", "DataType": "String", "Length": 40, "SelectItems": [], "ElementName": "TestAnswer" } ], "FinishButtonName": "Receive Money", "StartPage": "Payment/PaymentDetails", "UsesPaymentItems": true, "PerformInquiry": false, "AllowRetry": false }, "PaymentOptionsPageHeader": "Western Union - Receive Money - Pick your bank", "PaymentOptionsTitle": "Banks offering to receive Western Union money transfers on bank accounts", "CategoryId": 26, "CategoryName": "Receive Money", "SmallImageId": "010995fa-b286-4d9f-b9d0-74a2cd2576d3", "LargeImageId": "e9447628-6094-4018-a285-1ed5b9b4d350", "AmountType": 0 } ] } ] }, "ResponseCode": "90000", "ResponseCodeGrouping": "SUCCESSFUL" }
  1. Or you can make a Get call to Get Billers By Category endpoint


curl '' \ --H 'Authentication: Bearer Token' --H 'terminalId: <YOUR_TERMINAL_ID>' \ --H 'Content-Type: application/json' --X GET


{ "BillerCategories": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "Utility Bills", "Description": "Pay your utility bills here", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Cable TV Bills", "Description": "Pay for your cable TV subscriptions here", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "State Payments", "Description": "Pay state taxes", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "Mobile/Recharge", "Description": "Recharge your phone", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 7, "Name": "Donations", "Description": "Donate to a worthy cause", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 8, "Name": "Phone Bills", "Description": "Pay all post paid phone bills", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 9, "Name": "Subscriptions", "Description": "Pay for your other subscriptions (like ISP) here", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 11, "Name": "Embassy Payments", "Description": "Make your embassy payments here", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 12, "Name": "Tax Payments", "Description": "Tax Payments", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 13, "Name": "Insurance/Smart", "Description": "Insurance Payments", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 14, "Name": "Others", "Description": "Others", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 15, "Name": "Airlines", "Description": "Airlines", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 16, "Name": "Transport", "Description": "Transport", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 17, "Name": "Products and Services", "Description": "Products and Services", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 18, "Name": "Funds Transfer", "Description": "Funds Transfer", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 19, "Name": "Microfinance", "Description": "Microfinance", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 20, "Name": "Mobile Money", "Description": "Load your mobile wallet", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 22, "Name": "PayChoice", "Description": "Upperlink PayChoice Schools", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 23, "Name": "Event Tickets", "Description": "Event Tickets", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 24, "Name": "Quickteller Business", "Description": "Revenue Collections", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 25, "Name": "Transfer Money", "Description": "Transfers money to various destinations", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 26, "Name": "Receive Money", "Description": "Receives money from various sources", "Billers": [] }, { "Id": 27, "Name": "Religious Institutions", "Description": "Give for Religious cause", "Billers": [] } ], "ResponseCode": "90000", "ResponseCodeGrouping": "SUCCESSFUL" }

Step 2: Fetch the payment Items.

Make an API request to get biller payment items endpoint including the necessary path parameter, specifically the billerId. This request will provide you with a list of items offered by the biller.


curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "TerminalID: <YOUR_TERMINAL_ID>" \ -X GET


{ "PaymentItems": [ { "Id": "01", "Name": "Abuja Disco Buypower Prepaid", "BillerName": "Abuja Disco Buy Power Prepaid", "ConsumerIdField": "CustomerRef", "Code": "01", "BillerType": "PHV", "ItemFee": "0", "Amount": "0", "BillerId": "17589", "BillerCategoryId": "1", "CurrencyCode": "566", "CurrencySymbol": "NGN", "ItemCurrencyCode": "566", "ItemCurrencySymbol": "NGN", "Children": [], "IsAmountFixed": true, "SortOrder": 0, "PictureId": 0, "PaymentCode": "051758901", "AmountType": 2, "PaydirectItemCode": "051760201" } ], "ResponseCode": "90000", "ResponseCodeGrouping": "SUCCESSFUL" }

Step 3: Verify the customer ID

Make an API request to customer validation endpoint. This call verifies the customer ID. You should verify that the customer exists before making the payment.

curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "TerminalID: <your_terminal_id>" \ -D '{ "customers": [ { "PaymentCode": "0488051528", "CustomerId": "08124888436" } ], "TerminalId": "3pbl" } '' -X POST


{ "Customers": [ { "BillerId": 0, "PaymentCode": "48001", "CustomerId": "0000000001", "ResponseCode": "90000", "FullName": "", "Amount": 500000, "AmountType": 0, "AmountTypeDescription": "AnyAmount", "Surcharge": 2500 } ], "ResponseCode": "90000", "ResponseCodeGrouping": "SUCCESSFUL" }

Step 4: Make Payment

Initiate a payment by calling the Bill Payment Advice endpoint and passing the required parameters and fields.

curl \ -H "Authentication: Bearer <TOKEN>" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "TerminalID: <YOUR_TERMINAL_ID>" \ -d '{“paymentCode”:” 0488051528″,“customerId”:”2348124888436″,“customerMobile”:”2348124888436″,“customerEmail”:””,“amount”:”10000″,“requestReference”:”122200898163″}' \ -X POST


{ "TransactionRef": "PBL|Web|3pbl0001|VerveECa|010223180453|4WNYQJ3NDB", "ApprovedAmount": "10000", "AdditionalInfo": {}, "ResponseCode": "90000", "ResponseDescription": "Success", "ResponseCodeGrouping": "SUCCESSFUL" }

After testing step 4, If the transaction is successful, a virtual card tied to your account is debited, and value is given to the customer. If the transaction fails, there will be no debit to the virtual card.

Step 5: Confirm the transaction status.

Make a request to the Query Transaction endpoint to get the transaction status.


curl\ -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "TerminalID: <YOUR_TERMINAL_ID>" \ -X GET


{ "billPayment": { "biller": "MCN", "customerId1": "000000001", "customerId2": null, "paymentTypeName": "Family", "paymentTypeCode": "COFAMW4", "billerId": "104" }, "amount": "2000", "currencyCode": "566", "customer": "000000001", "customerEmail": "", "customerMobile": "08065186175", "paymentDate": "7/18/2016 8:53:39 AM", "requestReference": "119420151169", "serviceCode": "COFAMW4", "serviceName": "Family", "serviceProviderId": "104", "status": "Completed", "surcharge": "100", "transactionRef": "FTH|Web|3FTH0001|MCN|180716085339|00000002", "transactionResponseCode": "90000", "transactionSet": "BillPayment" }

Did this page help you?