Create Cards in bulk

Create Multiple Cards In Bulk

To create multiple cards successfully make a POST Request to the bulk card endpoint .


These are the parameters of the request:

Query parameters

Parameter #Parameter NameData TypeRequiredDescription
1cardTypestringtrueThe value can be any of :

1. DEBIT_NEW_ACCOUNT: The user does not exist yet within your platform.
2. DEBIT_EXISTING_ACCOUNT: The user account is already present on your platform.
3. DEBIT_REISSUE: Choose this option when you must re-issue a customer card.
4. PREPAID_NEW: The user account is not yet registered on your platform.
5. PREPAID_REISSUE: Choose this option when you must re-issue a card to a customer.
2isActiveActivebooleanfalseTrue: Select this option when you want to create a backup for the card.
False: Select this option when you don't want a backup.

Request Body

Field nameData typeMax lengthRequiredDescription
issuerNrint3trueIssuer Number e.g 2
cardProgramstring1 to 20trueCard Program e.g VERVE
userIdstring3 to 20trueUser ID or Name e.g Alex
branchCodestring10falseBranch Code
customersObject1 to 500trueList of Customer Details. See Customer Info Fields Below for more details on the internal request body.
customers.accountIdstring10 to 28false/trueRequired for All Debit Card Types
customers.accountTypestring2 to 2false/trueRequired for New Debit and Prepaid Cards
customers.lastNamestring30false/trueRequired for New Debit and Prepaid Cards
customers.firstNamestring30false/trueRequired for New Debit and Prepaid Cards
customers.nameOnCardstring25false/trueRequired for New Debit and Prepaid Cards
customers.panstring16 to 19false/trueRequired for Reissue of Debit and Prepaid Cards
customers.lostOrStolenbooleantrue or falsefalse/trueRequired for Reissue of Debit and Prepaid Cards
customers.pinstring4falseThe default is 1234 when not provided
customers.customerIdstring25falseAutogenerated when not provided
customers.mobileNrstring50falseCustomer Mobile Number
customers.emailAddressstring70falseCustomer Email Address
customers.streetAddressstring100falseStreet Address
customers.streetAddressLine2string100falseStreet Address Line 2
customers.postalCodestring20falsePostal Code
customers.countryCodestring3falseCountry Code
customers.titlestring10falseCustomer Title e.g. Mr.
customers.middleNamestring30falseCustomer Middle Name
customers.dateOfBirthtrue or false8 to 8falseDate of Birth in the format YYYYMMDD e.g 19810130
issuerCodestringtrueIssuer Code for Data Prep
persoCodestringtruePerso Code for Data Prep
jobTemplateIdinttrueJob Template ID for Data Prep
cardDataTypestringtrueCard Data Type for Data Prep
creatorEmailstringtrueCreator Email for Data Prep
ridfalseReceiving Institution Identifier obtained from the Interswitch operations team

This is what a typical request would look like

   "issuerNr": "2",
  "cardProgram": "VERVE",
  "userId": "Alex",
  "customers": [
      "accountId": "1234567800",
      "accountType": "20",
      "lastName": "John",
      "firstName": "Doe",
      "nameOnCard": "John Doe"
      "accountId": "1234567801",
      "accountType": "20",
      "lastName": "Mariah",
      "firstName": "Carey",
      "nameOnCard": "Mariah Carey"
  "issuerCode": "tst",
  "persoCode": "tps",
  "jobTemplateId": 4,
  "cardDataType": "test",
  "creatorEmail": ""

Response message  field description

Field #Field nameDescription
1codeInternal Response Code
2descriptionSuccessful or Error Message
3correlationIdRequest identifier
4errorsErrors array if any errors exists.

This is what a typical successful or failed response would look like

  "code": "00",
  "description": "Card Production Request has been forwarded and creation in progress",
  "correlationId": "f358f91b8703472b8ee6ff8e56f48032"
  "code": "400",
  "description": "[<FIELD> is required or invalid]",
  "errors": [
      "message": "<FIELD> is required or invalid",
      "fieldName": "<FIELD>"
      "message": "<FIELD> is required or invalid",
      "fieldName": "<FIELD>"

Retry Bulk Card Production

This API handles retries for bulk card production and data prep requests, with the same parameters and request body that was sent originally.

POST /card-management/api/v1/fintech-cms/cpdp/retry

These are the parameters of the request:

Body Parameters

Field #Field nameData typeMax lengthRequiredDescription
1branchIdinttrueBulk Card Production Batch ID
2issuerCodestringfalseIssuer Code for Data Prep
3persoCodestringfalsePerso Code for Data Prep

A request would look like this:

  "batchId": 81,
  "issuerCode": "tst",
  "persoCode": "tps"

Response Message  field description

Field #Field nameDescription
1codeInternal Response Code
2descriptionSuccessful or Error Message
3correlationIdRequest identifier
4errorsErrors array if any errors exists.

A successful or failed response would be like this :

  "code": "00",
  "description": "Card Production Request has been forwarded and creation in progress",
  "correlationId": "4112af20fcee410fb9a07b61fc721a2c"
  "code": "400",
  "description": "BatchId for Batch Process does not exist",
  "correlationId": "2aa197eda43540a4ad85b8d0bf570871"