Create Cards in bulk
Create Multiple Cards In Bulk
To create multiple cards successfully make a POST Request to the bulk card endpoint .
These are the parameters of the request:
Query parameters
Parameter # | Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
1 | cardType | string | true | The value can be any of : 1. DEBIT_NEW_ACCOUNT: The user does not exist yet within your platform. 2. DEBIT_EXISTING_ACCOUNT: The user account is already present on your platform. 3. DEBIT_REISSUE: Choose this option when you must re-issue a customer card. 4. PREPAID_NEW: The user account is not yet registered on your platform. 5. PREPAID_REISSUE: Choose this option when you must re-issue a card to a customer. |
2 | isActiveActive | boolean | false | True: Select this option when you want to create a backup for the card. False: Select this option when you don't want a backup. |
Request Body
Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
issuerNr | int | 3 | true | Issuer Number e.g 2 |
cardProgram | string | 1 to 20 | true | Card Program e.g VERVE |
userId | string | 3 to 20 | true | User ID or Name e.g Alex |
branchCode | string | 10 | false | Branch Code |
customers | Object | 1 to 500 | true | List of Customer Details. See Customer Info Fields Below for more details on the internal request body. |
customers.accountId | string | 10 to 28 | false/true | Required for All Debit Card Types |
customers.accountType | string | 2 to 2 | false/true | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
customers.lastName | string | 30 | false/true | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
customers.firstName | string | 30 | false/true | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
customers.nameOnCard | string | 25 | false/true | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
customers.pan | string | 16 to 19 | false/true | Required for Reissue of Debit and Prepaid Cards |
customers.lostOrStolen | boolean | true or false | false/true | Required for Reissue of Debit and Prepaid Cards | | string | 4 | false | The default is 1234 when not provided |
customers.customerId | string | 25 | false | Autogenerated when not provided |
customers.mobileNr | string | 50 | false | Customer Mobile Number |
customers.emailAddress | string | 70 | false | Customer Email Address |
customers.streetAddress | string | 100 | false | Street Address |
customers.streetAddressLine2 | string | 100 | false | Street Address Line 2 | | string | 40 | false | City |
customers.state | string | 20 | false | State |
customers.postalCode | string | 20 | false | Postal Code |
customers.countryCode | string | 3 | false | Country Code |
customers.title | string | 10 | false | Customer Title e.g. Mr. |
customers.middleName | string | 30 | false | Customer Middle Name |
customers.dateOfBirth | true or false | 8 to 8 | false | Date of Birth in the format YYYYMMDD e.g 19810130 |
issuerCode | string | true | Issuer Code for Data Prep | |
persoCode | string | true | Perso Code for Data Prep | |
jobTemplateId | int | true | Job Template ID for Data Prep | |
cardDataType | string | true | Card Data Type for Data Prep | |
creatorEmail | string | true | Creator Email for Data Prep | |
passphrase | string | false | ||
rid | false | Receiving Institution Identifier obtained from the Interswitch operations team |
This is what a typical request would look like
"issuerNr": "2",
"cardProgram": "VERVE",
"userId": "Alex",
"customers": [
"accountId": "1234567800",
"accountType": "20",
"lastName": "John",
"firstName": "Doe",
"nameOnCard": "John Doe"
"accountId": "1234567801",
"accountType": "20",
"lastName": "Mariah",
"firstName": "Carey",
"nameOnCard": "Mariah Carey"
"issuerCode": "tst",
"persoCode": "tps",
"jobTemplateId": 4,
"cardDataType": "test",
"creatorEmail": "[email protected]"
Response message field description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
3 | correlationId | Request identifier |
4 | errors | Errors array if any errors exists. |
This is what a typical successful or failed response would look like
"code": "00",
"description": "Card Production Request has been forwarded and creation in progress",
"correlationId": "f358f91b8703472b8ee6ff8e56f48032"
"code": "400",
"description": "[<FIELD> is required or invalid]",
"errors": [
"message": "<FIELD> is required or invalid",
"fieldName": "<FIELD>"
"message": "<FIELD> is required or invalid",
"fieldName": "<FIELD>"
Retry Bulk Card Production
This API handles retries for bulk card production and data prep requests, with the same parameters and request body that was sent originally.
POST /card-management/api/v1/fintech-cms/cpdp/retry
These are the parameters of the request:
Body Parameters
Field # | Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
1 | branchId | int | true | Bulk Card Production Batch ID | |
2 | issuerCode | string | false | Issuer Code for Data Prep | |
3 | persoCode | string | false | Perso Code for Data Prep |
A request would look like this:
"batchId": 81,
"issuerCode": "tst",
"persoCode": "tps"
Response Message field description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
3 | correlationId | Request identifier |
4 | errors | Errors array if any errors exists. |
A successful or failed response would be like this :
"code": "00",
"description": "Card Production Request has been forwarded and creation in progress",
"correlationId": "4112af20fcee410fb9a07b61fc721a2c"
"code": "400",
"description": "BatchId for Batch Process does not exist",
"correlationId": "2aa197eda43540a4ad85b8d0bf570871"
Updated 7 months ago