Block Prepaid Card
This API handles requests to block Prepaid Cards.
Request Message description
Field # | Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
1 | pan | string | 16 to 19 | true | Card Personal Account Number (PAN) |
2 | holdRspCode | string | 2 to 2 | true | Hold Response Code. (Default Codes are 41 for Lost Card, 43 for Stolen Card, 45 for Account Closed and 01 for Refer to Card Issuer.) |
3 | seqNr | string | 3 to 3 | true | Card Sequence Number |
4 | expiryDate | string | 4 to 4 | true | Card Expiry Date |
POST /card-management/api/v1/card/prepaid/block
Authorization = Bearer Token
Sample Request
"pan": "5060990000000151002",
"holdRspCode": "41",
"seqNr": "001",
"expiryDate": "5004"
Response Message field description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
3 | correlationId | Request identifier |
4 | errors | Errors array if any errors exists. |
Sample Response (success)
"code": "00",
"description": "Successful",
"correlationId": "5daa9a3f6ce9497d84c559aea9f924b3"
Sample Response (failure)
"code": "400",
"description": "[required, length must be 2]",
"errors": [
"message": "required",
"fieldName": "holdRspCode"
"message": "length must be 2",
"fieldName": "holdRspCode"
Updated 10 months ago