Codes and Statuses

HTTP Response Codes

Response CodeResponse Description
202Transaction Found
400Input Validation error
404No Record found for this Search


Global Statuses

SettlementSETTLEDTransaction has been settled
PENDING SETTLEMENTTransaction has been scheduled for settlement
NO SETTLEMENTTransaction will not be settled
UNSUPPORTEDSettlement Status Implementation still in Backlog for this Transaction type
DisputeNO DISPUTETransaction has not been disputed.
CHARGEBACKTransaction has an active dispute.
CHARGEBACK APPROVEDTransaction dispute has been accepted by Acquirer for issuer refund.
CHARGEBACK DECLINEDTransaction dispute has been declined by acquired so no refund to issuer.
ARBITRATEDTransaction dispute rejection by acquirer has been challenged by issuer


Transaction Data Status

Response StatusResponse DescriptionComments
09, No Response CodePending
Response Codes that are:
-Not Approved
-Not Pending
Failed91, 06, 51 etc