Web Checkout

Web Checkout is a simple way to integrate a checkout feature into your existing products. It is the fastest and easiest way to get paid online, with minimal code required for integration.

Why use Web Checkout:

  • Ease of integration.
  • Secured checkout experience.
  • Access to multiple payment options with a single integration (Eg, Card, Transfer, USSD, Wallet, GooglePay, etc.)
  • Boost checkout completion using inline checkout. This means that using inline checkout makes it easier for customers to complete their purchases, leading to increased sales.

How to integrate Web Checkout

Integration options

There are two ways to integrate Web Checkout into your product:

  • Inline Checkout: This allows the customer to complete payment without navigating away from your site.
  • Web Redirect: This navigates the user away from your site to the Interswitch payment page. Users are redirected back to your site when they complete the transaction.


Test Cards

Click here to get test cards to test your transactions.

Option 1 - Inline Checkout

With Inline checkout payment, a widget will open in a popup on your current page, without the need for a redirect. This allows the customer to complete payment without navigating away from your site.

To use Inline Checkout, include the inline checkout script at the bottom of your page's body as shown below

    <script src="https://newwebpay.qa.interswitchng.com/inline-checkout.js"></script>


Go Live

To go live, change src value to 'https://newwebpay.interswitchng.com/inline-checkout.js'

To initiate checkout, call window.webpayCheckout(request). The request object contains your payment parameters.

A callback function will also be passed in to receive the response from the checkout.

Example of inline checkout implementation

//declare callback function
function paymentCallback(response) {

//sample payment request
var samplePaymentRequest = {
    merchant_code: "MX007",          
    pay_item_id: "101007",
    txn_ref: "sample_txn_ref_123",
    site_redirect_url: "https://google.com/",
    amount: 10000, 
    currency: 566, // ISO 4217 numeric code of the currency used
    onComplete: paymentCallback,
    mode: 'TEST'

//call webpayCheckout to initiate the payment

Result of the code above.

That's it! If you want to see more sample code, check out this repository.

Below is a full list of inline checkout parameters

Field NameData TypeRequiredDescription
pay_item_nameStringtrueName of the item being paid for
txn_refStringtruetransaction reference
amountStringtrueCost of the item you want your customer to pay
currencyStringtrueISO currency code
cust_nameStringfalsemerchant customer name
cust_emailStringTruemerchant customer email
cust_idStringfalsemerchant customer id
cust_mobile_nostringfalsemerchant mobile number
merchant_codeStringfalseThe Merchant's code
site_redirect_urlStringfalseMerchant's website redirect url
tokenise_cardString("true" or "false")falseFlag to indicate whether you want the customer's card to be tokenised, a tokenised value would be returned when you requery to confrim the transaction status
access_tokenString("true" or "false")falseAccess token value gotten from passport
modeString("TEST" or "LIVE")trueThe mode of the payment
onCompleteObject (function)trueThe callback function that returns the state of a transaction.

Option 2 - Web Redirect

With Web Redirect, the user will be navigated away from your site to the payment page after clicking The Make Payment button.

To use web redirect, include the following form on your checkout page:

      action="https://newwebpay.qa.interswitchng.com/collections/w/pay" >
      <input name="merchant_code" value="MX6072" />
      <input name="pay_item_id" value="9405967" />
      <input name="txn_ref" value="12344grtr" />
      <input name="amount" value="10000" />
      <input name="currency" value="566" />
      <input type="submit" value="Make Payment" />


Go Live

To go live, change post URL to 'https://newwebpay.interswitchng.com/collections/w/pay'

When you submit the form, it will be redirected to the Interswitch payment page.

When the user completes the transaction, the user will be redirected to this site_redirect_url value="https://example.com/payment-response" URL you provided on in the code below.

You can view our sample project that shows how to integrate using Web Redirect here.

Payment Request Parameters

Field NameData TypeRequiredDescription
merchant_codeStringtrueMerchant Code on Quickteller Business
pay_item_idStringtruePay item ID on Quickteller Business
txn_refStringtrueUnique merchant reference for the transaction
amountIntegertrueCost of the item you want your customer to pay for in minor
currencyStringtrueISO currency code
cust_nameStringfalseName of the customer paying
cust_emailStringTrueEmail address of the customer paying
cust_idStringfalseUnique identifier of the customer on the merchant's system
pay_item_nameStringfalseName of the item being paid for
site_redirect_urlStringtrue for redirect integrationMerchant URL for the customer to be redirected to after completing payment

Confirming Transaction Status

You need to make a server-side request to get the transaction status and amount that was paid before giving value. You make the request using your merchantCode, the relevant transaction reference and amount. Please confirm the amount returned by our server matches your original transaction amount before giving value.


Transaction Confirmation

After payment completion, you MUST make a server-side request to get the transaction status and amount that was paid before giving value.

Sample Request

curl https://qa.interswitchng.com/collections/api/v1/gettransaction.json?merchantcode={merchantcode}&transactionreference={reference}&amount={amount} 
 LIVE BASE URL: https://webpay.interswitchng.com
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Sample Response

    "Amount": 66666600,
    "CardNumber": "",
    "MerchantReference": "933437251484",
    "PaymentReference": "UBA|API|MX187|25-07-2018|249510|719456",
    "RetrievalReferenceNumber": "000647661227",
    "SplitAccounts": [],
    "TransactionDate": "2018-07-25T06:57:24",
    "ResponseCode": "00",
    "ResponseDescription": "Approved by Financial Institution",
    "AccountNumber": "9999999999"


Response Codes

You can view the list of response codes and their meaning here.



Instead of calling our API to confirm the status of a transaction, you can enable webhooks, and configure a URL where we make a POST request to every time a transaction status changes. You can view the guide here