Bulk Search

Bulk Search allows you to search for Multiple transactions at a time.

You start by downloading the sample search template, where you fill in all your requests.


  1. Download Template by making the Download Template Call
  2. Populate the document with the required content: Transaction Date,Stan, Retrieval Referenc Number, Terminal ID, Pan, Merchant ID, Beneficiary Account, Interswitch Reference, Amount
  3. Save File with a unique name.


AuthorizationBearer TokenComments
TokenRefer to Authentication


ClientIdYour Client ID generated for your Project on the Developer ConsoleLogin to get your Authentication

GET Download File Template



Response Body

save the response both into a directory and input the transactions to be searched for.

POST Bulk Upload



Request Body

The file in the request body would be the updated file that was downloaded initially that now contains all the search request parameters.


Response Body

Response ParametersDescriptionComments
SessionIdUniquely identifies an Upload request.
fileNameName of the file containing transactions to be searched.
fileContentCountNumber of Transactions that should be searched.
emailAddressSystem automatically notifies the email address specified on Search Operation Completion
UserNamewho is triggering the search requests
requestDateTimetimestamp on upload request
UpdatedAttimestamp for when an update occurs on the file in the system.
successfulTransactionSearchCountthis give a summary count of how many transactions were found for all the searches.
failedTransactionsearchCountthis gives a summary of invalid or failed transactions that could not complete processing.
outputFileGenerationStatusthis status tells us whether a final report has been generated for the bulk search request. [PENDING, PROCESSING, COMPLETED]
fileProcessingStatusthis status tells us the processing state of the bulk search request. can be [NEW, PROCESSING, COMPLETED]
bankCodethis is an identifier or a code that represent the institution making this search.

Response Payload

    "timeStamp": "2024-03-25T13:54:20.242+00:00",
    "responseMessage": "Successful",
    "responseCode": "202",
    "data": {
        "sessionId": "a96d5e32-9f1f-4811-a6df-69fe2485c790",
        "fileName": "bulk-search-template1711374188656.xlsx",
        "fileContentCount": 2,
        "emailAddress":"" ,
        "userName":"" ,
        "requestDateTime": "2024-03-25T13:54:20.128417025",
        "updatedAt": "2024-03-25T13:54:20.128429526",
        "successfulTransactionSearchCount": 0,
        "failedTransactionSearchCount": 0,
        "outputFileGenerationStatus": "PENDING",
        "fileProcessingStatus": "NEW",
        "fileRetryCount": 0,
        "bankCode": "ISW"
    "errors": null


To get the Full Transaction Details. Use the transaction_id value in the response payload to make a Get Transaction Details call

You can Test out the API call directly here:

Response Payload (WITH ERROR)

    "timeStamp": "2024-03-25T13:30:37.164+00:00",
    "responseMessage": "Page Size cannot be greater than 20",
    "responseCode": "400",
    "data": null,
    "errors": [
        "Page Size cannot be greater than 20"

Bulk Search Record

This endpoint retrieves the search history for bulk searches performed by a particular user.



Request Params

page_number1 - NString

Response Body

Response ParametersDescriptionComments
SessionIdUniquely identifies an Upload request.
fileNameName of the file containing transactions to be searched.
fileContentCountNumber of Transactions that should be searched.
emailAddressSystem automatically notifies the email address specified on Search Operation Completion
UserNamewho is triggering the search requests
requestDateTimetimestamp on upload request
UpdatedAttimestamp for when an update occurs on the file in the system.
successfulTransactionSearchCountthis give a summary count of how many transactions were found for all the searches.
failedTransactionsearchCountthis gives a summary of invalid or failed transactions that could not complete processing.
outputFileGenerationStatusthis status tells us whether a final report has been generated for the bulk search request. [PENDING, PROCESSING, COMPLETED]
fileProcessingStatusthis status tells us the processing state of the bulk search request. can be [NEW, PROCESSING, COMPLETED]
bankCodethis is an identifier or a code that represent the institution making this search.
totalElementsthis is the total number of searches carried out by the user.

Response Payload

    "timeStamp": "2024-03-26T10:04:38.717+00:00",
    "responseMessage": "Successful",
    "responseCode": "202",
    "data": [
            "sessionId": "24482ef0-d0fd-4605-9b27-dccb7e8400c6",
            "fileName": "bulk-search-template1709323537262.xlsx",
            "fileContentCount": 6,
            "emailAddress": "",
            "userName": "",
            "requestDateTime": "2024-03-26T11:01:41.876548",
            "updatedAt": "2024-03-26T11:12:00.060239",
            "successfulTransactionSearchCount": 13,
            "failedTransactionSearchCount": 0,
            "outputFileGenerationStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "fileProcessingStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "fileRetryCount": 0,
            "bankCode": "ISW"
    "errors": null,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "totalElements": 1

Check File Status

This endpoint is used to check the status of a particular file.



Request Params


Response Body

Response ParametersDescriptionComments
SessionIdUniquely identifies an Upload request.
fileNameName of the file containing transactions to be searched.
fileContentCountNumber of Transactions that should be searched.
emailAddressSystem automatically notifies the email address specified on Search Operation Completion
UserNamewho is triggering the search requests
requestDateTimetimestamp on upload request
UpdatedAttimestamp for when an update occurs on the file in the system.
successfulTransactionSearchCountthis give a summary count of how many transactions were found for all the searches.
failedTransactionsearchCountthis gives a summary of invalid or failed transactions that could not complete processing.
outputFileGenerationStatusthis status tells us whether a final report has been generated for the bulk search request. [PENDING, PROCESSING, COMPLETED]
fileProcessingStatusthis status tells us the processing state of the bulk search request. can be [NEW, PROCESSING, COMPLETED]
bankCodethis is an identifier or a code that represent the institution making this search.
totalElementsthis is the total number of searches carried out by the user.

Response Payload

    "timeStamp": "2024-03-26T10:04:38.717+00:00",
    "responseMessage": "Successful",
    "responseCode": "202",
    "data": [
            "sessionId": "24482ef0-d0fd-4605-9b27-dccb7e8400c6",
            "fileName": "bulk-search-template1709323537262.xlsx",
            "fileContentCount": 6,
            "emailAddress": "",
            "userName": "",
            "requestDateTime": "2024-03-26T11:01:41.876548",
            "updatedAt": "2024-03-26T11:12:00.060239",
            "successfulTransactionSearchCount": 13,
            "failedTransactionSearchCount": 0,
            "outputFileGenerationStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "fileProcessingStatus": "COMPLETED",
            "fileRetryCount": 0,
            "bankCode": "ISW"
    "errors": null,

Download Processed File

This endpoint is used to download the result of a bulk search.



Request Params


Response Body

save the response both into a directory and input the transactions to be searched for.