

Create a Post endpoint on your application using the path /enquiry we will send an API request to the endpoint whenever an inquiry is to be done on the account. It can be a balance inquiry, name inquiry, etc


Make sure to read the following information since you'll probably encounter it in this section.


requestIdStringA unique ID for every request sent across. Very necessary for the macTrue
walletIdStringThe wallet id of the wallet to enquireTrue
transactionReferenceStringThe reference that can be used to retrieve any transactionTrue
macStringThe hash included in every request is used to make sure the request is from the actual source it should be and has not been tampered withTrue
transactionDateTimeLocalDateTimeThis is the date and time the transaction occurredFalse
terminalIdStringThis is an identifier for the terminal the transaction came fromTrue
terminalTypeStringA 2-digit string that defines the type of terminal.True
merchantIdStringThe merchant that accepted the cardTrue
acquiringInstitutionIdStringAn ID to identify the institution that acquired the transactionFalse
currencyCodeStringA code that identifies the currency the transaction was done onTrue
cardAcceptorNameLocationStringThe name and location of the card acceptorTrue
rrnStringThis is the Retrieval Ref NumberTrue
stanStringThis is the System Trace Audit NumberTrue
transactionFeeLongThe transaction fee is minorTrue
additionalFieldsMapAny other ISO field needed by a fintechFalse

Request Mac
The request mac is generated by concatenating the following attributes in the order in which they occur, generating an HMAC using the shared private key, and getting the hex string of the result.

transactionReference, requestId, rrn, stan, walletId

Response attributes

requestIdStringThe requestId that came with the request.True
responseCodeStringThe code that signifies the status of the operation.True
amountLongThe balance on the user’s account.True
transactionReferenceStringThe reference that came with the requestTrue
macStringThe hash included in every response is used to make sure the request is from the actual source it should be and has not been tampered withTrue

Response Mac
The response Mac is generated by concatenating the following attributes in the order in which they occur, generating an HMAC using the shared private key, and getting the hex string of the result.

transactionReference, requestId, amount, name, responseCode

Sample requests

The sample requests for the inquiry only cover 3 scenarios. It should be noted that the difference between one response and another is just the response code. The response code table can be used to know the response code that can be used for other scenarios that might not be covered in the sample requests.



    "requestId": "1",
    "walletId": "1234567894",
    "transactionReference": "11123456789",
    "mac": "hexdigest",
    "transactionDateTime": "2020-05-15T13:32:09",
    "terminalId": "3IWPDVNA",
    "terminalType": "21",
    "merchantId": "WEBPAYDIRECTVNA",
    "acquiringInstitutionId": "428051043",
    "currencyCode": "566",
    "cardAcceptorNameLocation": "MATRIX ENERGY LIMITE   LA LANG",
    "rrn" : "000111000111",
    "stan" : "000018",
} }


  "amount": 99998600,
  "name": "Tony Starck",
  "responseCode": "00",
  "transactionReference": "11123456789",
  "requestId": "1",
  "mac": "hexdigest"

Invalid mac


    "requestId": "11",
    "walletId": "1234567894",
    "transactionReference": "11123456789",
    "mac": "hexdigest",
    "transactionDateTime": "2020-05-15T13:32:09",
    "terminalId": "3IWPDVNA",
    "terminalType": "21",
    "merchantId": "WEBPAYDIRECTVNA",
    "acquiringInstitutionId": "428051043",
    "currencyCode": "566",
    "cardAcceptorNameLocation": "MATRIX ENERGY LIMITE   LA
    "rrn" : "000111000111",
    "stan" : "000018",
} }


  "amount": 0,
  "name": "",
  "responseCode": "12",
  "transactionReference": "11123456789",
  "requestId": "11",
  "mac": "hexdigest"

Wallet not found


    "requestId": "1",
    "walletId": "1234567894",
    "transactionReference": "11123456789",
    "mac": "hexdigest",
    "transactionDateTime": "2020-05-15T13:32:09",
    "terminalId": "3IWPDVNA",
    "terminalType": "21",
    "merchantId": "WEBPAYDIRECTVNA",
    "acquiringInstitutionId": "428051043",
    "currencyCode": "566",
    "cardAcceptorNameLocation": "MATRIX ENERGY LIMITE   LA LANG",
    "rrn" : "000111000111",
    "stan" : "000018",
} }


  "amount": 0,
  "name": "",
  "responseCode": "25",
  "transactionReference": "11123456789",
  "requestId": "11",
  "mac": "hexdigest"