Response codes

Status CodeDescription
00Transaction Approved
51Insufficient Funds
55Incorrect PIN
91Issuer or switch inoperative
30Format Error
57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58Transaction not permitted to terminal
59Suspected Fraud
92Routing Error
96System Malfunction
63Security Violation
70120Beneficiary bank service UnavailabilityIndicates service unavailability of the third-party service provider (eg beneficiary bank, Billers etc)

Response Codes for Cashout

Status CodeParamsValues/Description
2merchantIdMerchant ID: 15 alphanumeric characters
3terminalTypeTerminal Type: E.g PAX, Verifone, Telpo,
4terminalIdTerminal ID: 8 alphanumeric characters
5uniqueIdTerminal/device Serial number (read from the
6merchantLocMerchant name/address/location
7batteryInformationTerminal Battery percentage (read from the
8transactionDateCurrent Transaction Time (YYYY-MM-DD T
T is the separator
9printerStatusPrinter Status: 1 = paper present, 0 = no
paper/out of paper/ no printer / faulty
10languageInfoDevice language: EN
11posConditionCodePOS condition code: n2
12posGeoCodePOS geographical code: n38
13TerminalCurrencyCodeCurrency code: n3
14originalTransmissionDateTimeLast transaction time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
15stanTransaction stan
16minorAmountTransaction amount in minor (i.e: if amount
is N1, this value would be 1 multiplied by
100 to give 100)
17track2Track2 data of customer’s card
18pinDatapindata(for online PIN transactions)
19ksnKey serial number
20ksndValue = 605
21fromAccountCard account type (savings, current, credit,
22posDataCodePOS Data Code
23posEntryModePOS Entry mode
24cardSequenceNumberCard sequence number
25keyLabelkeyset ID: use 000002 for production
environment and 000006 for test environment.
26cvmResultsCardholder verification method
27surchargeThis should be the surcharge field value: it
is in minor just like the amt tag above:
28amountAuthorizedAmount authorized in minor: use postillion
29Amount othersamountOther
30applicationInterchangeProfileapplication interchange profile
31atcApplication transaction counter
33CryptogramInformationDataCryptogram Information Data
34iadIssuer Application Data
35TerminalCurrencyCodeTerminal Currency Code
36TerminalVerificationResultTerminal Verification Result
37TerminalCountryCodeTerminal country code
38Terminal typeTerminalType
39TransactionDateTransaction date: YYMMDD
40TransactionTypeTransaction type
41UnpredictableNumberUnpredictable Number
42DedicatedFileNameDedicated file name
43TerminalCapabilityTerminal Capabilities
44receivingInstitutionIdReceiving Institution ID of the Settlement
45DestinationAccountNumberSettlement Account number
46extendedTransactionTypeExtended Transaction Type
47retrievalReferenceNumberRetrieval Reference Number (RRN)