Client Registration
This API assigns a unique receiving institution to a client which will be sent in every request to Postilion.
Request Message description
Field # | Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
1 | clientId | string | true | the client id (name e.g isw-portal) | |
2 | riid | string | 11 | true | receiving institution id |
Authorization = Bearer Token
Sample Request
Response message description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
3 | clientId | the client id (name e.g isw-portal) |
4 | riid | receiving institution id |
Sample Response (Success)
"code": "200",
"description": "Successful",
"clientId": "30754",
"riid": "1050727084"
Sample Response (Failure)
"code": "400",
"description": "Client already registered.",
"correlationId": "73c0629328a947c39db93d4f1b869d80"
Updated 10 months ago