Create Single Card
This API handles single card production either through Postcard CMS or Postilion Service. It also allows creation of debit cards on new accounts, debit cards on existing accounts, reissuing debit cards, new prepaid cards and reissuing existing prepaid cards. If Pregenerated PAN is provided in the request, the service will attempt to create the card using the provided PAN. However, If PAN is not provided, Postcard CMS will automatically generate a Card PAN to create the card. The endpoint also allows creation of anonymous cards without providing required customer specific details. These anonymous cards will be created with following default values against the required fields.
Request Message description
Field # | Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
1 | issuerNr | int | 3 | true | Issuer Number e.g 2 |
2 | cardProgram | string | 1 to 20 | true | Card Program e.g VERVE |
3 | userId | string | 3 to 20 | true | User Id or Name e.g Alex |
4 | accountId | string | 10 to 28 | false/true | Required for All Debit Card Types |
5 | accountType | string | 2 to 2 | false/true | Required for All Debit Card Types |
6 | lastName | string | 30 | false/true | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
7 | firstName | string | 30 | false/true | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
8 | nameOnCard | string | 25 | false/true | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
9 | pan | string | 16 to 19 | false/true | Required for Reissue Debit and Prepaid Cards |
10 | lostOrStolen | boolean | true or false | false/true | Required for Reissue Debit and Prepaid Cards |
11 | pin | string | 4 | false | Default is 1234 when not provided |
12 | branchCode | string | 10 | false | |
13 | customerId | string | 25 | false | Customer ID is autogenerated when not provided |
14 | mobileNr | string | 50 | false | Customer Mobile Number |
15 | emailAddress | string | 70 | false | Customer Email Address |
16 | streetAddress | string | 100 | false | Street Address |
17 | streetAddressLine2 | string | 100 | false | Street Address Line 2 |
18 | city | string | 40 | false | City |
19 | state | string | 20 | false | State |
20 | postalCode | string | 20 | false | Postal Code |
21 | countryCode | string | 3 | false | Country Code |
22 | title | string | 10 | false | Customer Title e.g Mr. |
23 | middleName | string | 30 | false | Customer Middle Name |
24 | dateOfBirth | string | 8 to 8 | false | Date of Birth in format YYYYMMDD e.g 19810130 |
25 | rid | string | 1 to 11 | false | Receiving Institution Identifier for Postilion |
Request Parameters description
Parameter # | Parameter Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
2 | isActiveActive** | boolean | false | true - card is generated from postcard cms but issued through postilion service. Default value when not provided. false - card is generated and issued by the postcard cms. ** If the application is configured to restrict non active active requests, the value provided by the client may be overridden by the system and set to true |
3 | isAnonymous | boolean | false | true - creates anonymous card without any customer specific details. Account Id, Account Type, First Name, Last Name, Name On Card are not required. false - customer is linked to the card and all required fields must be provided. |
Anonymous Card Required Field Default Values
An anonymous card can be created and then later assigned to a customer. To create an anonymous card the isAnonymous parameter must be set to true. This will enable the application to set the following fields to their corresponding default values if they have not been set in the request.
Field # | Field name | Data type | Max length | Default | Description |
1 | accountId | string | 10 to 28 | 666666666666666 | Required for All Debit Card Types |
2 | accountType | string | 2 to 2 | 20 | Required for All Debit Card Types |
3 | lastName | string | 30 | Anonymous | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
4 | firstName | string | 30 | Anonymous | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
5 | nameOnCard | string | 25 | Anonymous | Required for New Debit and Prepaid Cards |
6 | customerId | string | 25 | 20220524081136189680261 | Required for Reissue Debit and Prepaid Cards |
POST /card-management/api/v1/card/request?isActiveActive=false&cardType=DEBIT_EXISTING_ACCOUNT
Authorization = Bearer Token
Sample Request
"issuerNr" : "1",
"cardProgram" : "Suntrust_Verve",
"userId" : "Alex",
"pin" : "1234",
"branchCode" : "10010",
"accountId" : "1234567853",
"accountType" : "20",
"lastName" : "Test",
"firstName" : "Test",
"nameOnCard" : "Test"
Response Message field description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
3 | correlationId | Request identifier |
4 | card | Card details if the card request is successful |
5 | successful | if true, card has been generated and issued successfully. else card may have been generated but not issued successfully (card request on Postilion might have failed) |
6 | errors | Errors array if any errors exists. |
Sample Response (success)
"code": "00",
"description": "Successful",
"correlationId": "2f6b1ebb444845a0b896fefab2fb254b",
"card": {
"pan": "5061800000000000389",
"seqNr": "001",
"expiryDate": "2508",
"pinOffset": "7183",
"cvv": "902",
"cvv2": "840",
"pinInfo": "3DD636885F8CBAA5",
"track2": "5061800000000000389=2508101007183902",
"customerId": "20220811144303279780389"
"successful": true
Sample Response (failure)
"code": "10409",
"description": "Account already exists.",
"correlationId": "ff5c14d25d4e4c06aacadcb17f2beea1",
"successful": false
Updated 10 months ago