Split Payments

Split payments allows you to share your settlement amount among multiple accounts.

Process Flow

Step 1: Visit the settings page on your Quickteller Dashboard to set up your settlement bank accounts like so:


Step 2: Create your payment page while passing in split_accounts as JSON. The total split amount must be equal to the transaction amount with the primary account specified.

<input name='split_accounts' value=
 ]' />
aliasThis points to the account alias as created on Quickteller Business Dashboard
descriptiona brief description for each split instruction
isPrimaryPoints to the primary account. Only one is expected per transaction.
amountAmount to be split into this account. should be an empty string if percentage field is specified
percentagePercentage of transaction amount to be split into account. Should be empty string if amount field is specified

A full list of transaction parameters can be found here

Sample Code

<form method='post' action='https://sandbox.interswitchng.com/collections/w/pay'>
  <input name='site_redirect_url' value='www.happysana.com/redirect/' />
  <input name='pay_item_id' value='2674246' />
  <input name='txn_ref' value='1559290858392' />
  <input name='amount' value='10000' />
  <input name='currency' value='566' />
  <input name='cust_name' value='happysana' />
  <input name='cust_id' value='0000000001' />
  <input name='pay_item_name' value='happysanaPAY' />
  <input name='display_mode' value='PAGE' />
  <input name='merchant_code' value='WEBDEMO' />
  <input name='split_accounts' value=
{"alias":"WEB_SPLIT_2","percentage":"30","description":"housing"},{"alias":"WEB_SPLIT_3","percentage":"10","description":"transport"}]' />
  <input type='submit' value='Submit Form' />