Retry Single Card Creation
In the event of any that a server-side error (having error code 500) is returned after initially sending a single card creation request, this API can be called to retry the request with the same parameters and request body.
Request Message description
Field # | Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
1 | cardReference | string | 32 | true | Request Correlation ID e.g 6beae9e078434c96b9fc16892d7f30ba |
POST /card-management/api/v1/card/retryCardRequest
Authorization = Bearer Token
Sample Request
"cardReference": "6beae9e078434c96b9fc16892d7f30ba"
Response Message field description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
3 | correlationId | Request identifier |
4 | card | Card details if the card request is successful |
5 | successful | if true, card has been generated and issued successfully. else card may have been generated but not issued successfully (card request on Postilion might have failed) |
6 | errors | Errors array if any errors exists. |
Sample Response (success)
"code": "00",
"description": "Successful",
"correlationId": "2f6b1ebb444845a0b896fefab2fb254b",
"card": {
"pan": "5061800000000000389",
"seqNr": "001",
"expiryDate": "2508",
"pinOffset": "7183",
"cvv": "902",
"cvv2": "840",
"pinInfo": "3DD636885F8CBAA5",
"track2": "5061800000000000389=2508101007183902",
"customerId": "20220811144303279780389"
"successful": true
Sample Response (failure)
"code": "10409",
"description": "Account already exists.",
"correlationId": "ff5c14d25d4e4c06aacadcb17f2beea1",
"successful": false
Updated 10 months ago