Update Pin Key
This API updated the pin key of the user with the specified key on postcard.
Request Message description
Field # | Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
1 | pinKey | string | 16 to 32 | true | The new triple DES pin key to be updated on the db |
2 | securePin | boolean | true or false | true | Indicates whether or not the pin is secure |
3 | translatePinBlk | boolean | true or false | true | Indicates whether or not to translate the pin block |
4 | operation | int | 1(1, 2or 3) | true | Where the operation is 1, only the values for securePin and translatePinBlk will be updated. Where the operation is 2, only the pinKey value will be updated. Where the operation is 3, all three values will be updated. |
POST /card-management/api/v1/user/pin-key/update
Authorization = Bearer Token
Sample Request
"pinKey": "C1D0F8FB4958670DBA40AB1F3752EF0D",
"securePin": "true",
"translatePinBlk": "true",
"operation": 3
Response Message field description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
Sample Response (success)
"code": "200",
"description": "Key details updated",
"correlationId": "8f6d59f7357d45feb84573ba7f7cadfc"
Sample Response (failure)
"code": "10400",
"description": "Pin Key is not a valid Triple DES key",
"correlationId": "94d7c541dbc041db8e8e3024974bdede"
Updated 10 months ago