Reissue Card PIN
This API handles requests to reissue card PIN.
Request Message description
Field # | Field name | Data type | Max length | Required | Description |
1 | issuerNr | int | 3 | true | Issuer Number e.g 2 |
2 | userId | string | 3 to 20 | true | User Id or Name e.g Alex |
3 | pan | string | 16 to 19 | true | Card Personal Account Number (PAN) |
4 | seqNr | string | 3 to 3 | true | Card Sequence Number |
5 | expiryDate | string | 4 to 4 | true | Card Expiry Date |
6 | customerId | string | 25 | false | Customer ID |
7 | mobileNr | string | false | Customer Mobile Number |
POST /card-management/api/v1/card/reissue-pin
Authorization = Bearer Token
Sample Request
"issuerNr": 2,
"pan": "5060990000000151002",
"seqNr": "001",
"expiryDate": "5004",
"customerId": "20220728132321467651002",
"mobileNr": "08033344455",
"userId": "Alex"
Response Message field description
Field # | Field name | Description |
1 | code | Internal Response Code |
2 | description | Successful or Error Message |
3 | correlationId | Request identifier |
4 | errors | Errors array if any errors exists. |
5 | pin | New Pin Encrypted using an RSA Public Key provided by the Client |
6 | pinOffset | Pin Offset |
Sample Response (success)
"code": "00",
"description": "Successful",
"correlationId": "fbfcb56fbd734e91923e235238637eaf",
"pin": "697015692a448309e96a550d4d234d074dafd5dab92734a60f498be83237a22c995f713996864615c9798a75a166d1d9e62f7838719e3a33ab3fccd54856bd25a4e0933743e7ade61707b25fcb11c0ca6050bfdd66a4c8d276c52ce203b83f0834cec4e3292d6345f0721f7534fa816003d445f6f5dac714c5ca9ec4b6ea43cb5d875de4e778086843a7fe4dade1f21f04cda8e82550434efc1ec529c5ba2e1962406f452036d184f15785427c6948c360d949064eb22f3844dd9f0e74590926eaae6c26316cea1690cd4ee3ced0d625226430fed0fde9fe3ffe07200ee2b4d253f2efcad06c86bf14cde613474e5730ec8e9ea76fece99aa70fa6c286eda8a8",
"pinOffset": "6192"
Sample Response (failure)
"code": "10404",
"description": "No result found",
"correlationId": "2aa197eda43540a4ad85b8d0bf570871"
"code": "400",
"description": "Unable to encrypt pin for response",
"correlationId": "5c538970ea8b48959086dca8727be8a5"
"code": "404",
"description": "Client Config with Client ID: xxx not found",
"correlationId": "5c538970ea8b48959086dca8727be8a5"
Updated 10 months ago